Basic Hook Extractor made of hardened stainless spring steel.
Material thickness (without handle): 0,6 mm
Weight without handle: 4gr.
Weight with handle (3298): 8gr.
Length of handle area: 83mm
overall length: 136-140mm
Material lockpick: Highest quality hardened stainless spring steel
Lockpick made In Germany
Handles & screws made in China according to our design & specifications
LOCKMASTER® Lockpicks - Developed with and for professional users!
Our new LOCKMASTER Lockpicks are the result of a 12 months optimization and development process and were created together with Tallan Pick and Lock Noob. While still developing the Credit Card Pickset V2, it became clear that we should address our Lockpicks together as well since they were already on our list of tools to improve. Every pick profile of our base lineup was drawn from scratch by Lock Noob, redrawn into CAD by us and optimized with serveral prototypes and tests.
Handle - Metal, Wood, Plastic, exchangeable?
It all started with the question of the handle; which preferences are present and why? It quickly became clear that the design should be simple, practical and comfortable.It was quickly decided that the material of the handle should be a quality plastic. Metal handles often look good, but many Lockpicker use materials such as heat shrink sleeves over the beautiful metal handles to make them more comfortable during long periods of use.
The method of attaching the handles was the next issue: previously we had riveted our stainless steel handles onto the picks, but we wanted to replace this outdated process even before we collaborated with Tallan Pick and Lock Noob. Aside from comfort, one big advantage of using plastic handles is, of course, the multiple colour options available. Here, like other manufacturers, we could individualize the handle thickness but also the shape. It was clear to us, however that we should not simply become a copy of another manufacturer, we decided on our own take on exchangeable handles.
Exchangeable handles? What an idea! The advantages were obvious:
Individualisation of the picks allowing for colour coding and colour preference
The handles are reusable if a Lockpick breaks
The option of inexpensive Lockpicks of high quality without handle for the beginner, for those looking to carry spares and for those wanting to save space in their pick case
Flexible and simple upgrading of picks at any time by purchasing the optional handles
After a long search, however, the problem became clear: There is no viable, compatible handle screw solution on the market, especially since we wanted to keep the quality high and the Lockpicks symmetrical. But if there is one thing we know at Wendt, it’s screws. Already with our Pullscrews we have developed and produced screws with our own design, material and technical properties. So without further ado, we created a handle design and defined the screws. Once the first prototype handles were printed, different screw prototypes from various manufacturers were tested. After the test phase, we found the perfect screw for the handles and several hundred thousand of them were ordered.
The length of the handle was also tested for a long time on the basis of the prototypes. We have made a handle as long as possible, while also ensuring the picks will comfortably fit in most lockpick cases from other manufacturers.
Another point we had to tackle was the finish of the individual picks. We wanted to ensure the picks were useable straight away without the need for further finishing by the user to remove sharp edges. Here, various machines were adjusted and a new machine was purchased to ensure the best possible finish of the lock picks manufactured by us.
Individualization? - Individual handles!
With 6 colors, we wanted to offer a high degree of customization of the picks right from the start. But why stop here?
We ourselves are enthusiastic about custom lockpicks and like to see what other beauties are created in the community. However, it was clear that our 2.1mm chrome screws would not be long enough to accommodate most custom made handles. Here we enlisted the help of 2 brilliant members of the custom lock pick making community early on to come up with an alternative screw size. We can now also offer a deeper 4.1mm screws as a "special size" for those creating custom handles for their new picks. Brass colored screws were also produced to allow even more customization options. These screws, as well as some prototypes then immediately went to Ratyoke - Custom Lock Picks and XBMODS - Custom Lock Picks to trial.
Both will be offering custom handles as early as the release of our Lockpicks. So we recommend checking both of them out if you are interested in custom handles.